M i s s b o o h a z e l*

*Sinful Indulgences of Her Soul.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It ticks.

I have a best friend who is currently *soddof* in this whole relationship crisis.

"What is it with people?", he would question every single time we talk about the same damn thing. My reply ? "I dunnoee.."

Watever. But seriously i once had the same problem too. I didn't know whether what i was doing was right or wrong until it all came undone one *fine* day. Initially i of course thought it was a perfect relationship. Everything seemed so surreal i was beginning to drown in my own pool of delusion. I thought i found the perfect partner anyone could ever find. (This is what i thought of only laa.. Not everyone must agree with watsoever i said before.) Actually my best mates even thought he was the one. The relationship seemed so balanced and so perfect that i begin to wonder at times will it ever end in due time. Not that everything had an expiry date or something but everyone knows that whatever that we have does not last forever.

Just when i was beginning to think that everything was going my way, it was going the wrong way. I guess the saying is right - "When everything is going your way, you're down in the wrong lane." Some certain people started to butt into our relationship and things just got worst from one to another. They just have to start stupid rumours and then it got so out of hand everything just went from hero to zero.

Let me tell you it sucked to be in that position.

O-kay. Already so lari from the topic.

My whole issue here is that whenever you are in a relationship or when some other people/friends/enemies/dog/cat/tortoise or whoever is hooked up, somebody (don't care laa who are they just some people. Probably people sent from the heavens above or maybe even hell below) are bound to butt their silly buttocks into the whole relationship. What is it with this people?! Don't have anything else better to do? Too free ?

I'm sure they have something else better to do than to just sit around forking out a whole lot of information about the relationship crisis you are in right ? I guess not. They do have that much of a free time to talk about what is right or wrong about the relationship like they're empowered with some sort of MondoMagic shit to psycho you crazy when all you could do with is just probably a cup of hot chocolate. The thing about *these* people is that they do not ask beforehand if you actually need someone to vent your frustration to. They just *rape* your matter again and again. Forcefully. Siao. I know some people like that.

If i was already in some state of depression and practically cynical about everything else in the world and some of these kind of people come and try to penetrate me with all sort of stupid question i swear that i'll go get a donkey for them to hump so they can have something to do at the mean time.

I dunno if i ever tried to butt my backside into other people's business unintentionally or for whatever reasons i'm sure i only did because i have to. Because seriously i don't really give two fucks about anything that is going on between other people and their boyfriend/girlfriend. I would give my honest opinion *IF* they asked or if they initiated that they wanted to talk about it. Oh this totally differs from gossiping because gossiping is contagious and everyone talks about it but nobody actually do anything about it.

I remember when i was in high school there was this whole issue about the school not letting us date anyone. They think that we're too young or something and they had this whole confessional session where everyone had to say who they were dating from the same school at that time. I thought to myself, "How fucking lame is that? Even my parents are not forbidding me from having a boyfriend. What gives you the authority to do so?". Besides what do us dating anyone from the same school had to do with anything ? It just gives us another reason to rebel against the school. Stupid.

If they were talking about students having sex in the class or watever then okay laa understandable. Thats so way out of line. I don't think M'sian students would be that dumb anyway to have sex in school like its the best place to do it. This is not like those Japanese high school porn where the guys fucks the chick in the class. Not so extreme yet at least.

Well i guess when people have nothing else to do. They just have to stick their backsides into something.

That ticks.

Saturday,Sunday and Monday.

The Whats ?

Went swimming (again!!) with the boyfriend,Ming and Wai. Got a phone call from Melanie asking me to go to Thai Club to replace her for her job for Tequila. Gosh it was so the last minute and the pay was okeh-lahh.. A few hours for Rm200. So i decided to take some time off to go and party work, i mean. The crowd there was so-so only since everyone was prollie at the Chivas Space party in Genting. Was suppose to work there too but i heard the outfit was kind of ridiculous. Met Joyce there and both of us partied our arse off instead of promoting Tequila. -_-Most of the party people there who *wanted* to buy tequila from us only wants to buy it *for* us anyways. Its Rm10 a shot, not cheap i would say but since they wanted to buy us anyway so what the heck. Drink only laa. Don't waste right ? :p

At the end of the night i think i prollie drank 20 shots of tequila and thank god i maintain because if not i'll prollie pass out somewhere. Celina said no smoking during work but she lit us a stick everytime we sit at the VIP area during breaks. -_-" Damn contradict everything but it was all good. I can't imagine myself drinking and not smoking. It would have been like drinking stale beer or sloshy whisky.

Finished work at prollie about 3am or so and the boyfriend was already there waiting.

"Heh, working or partying."
"Same laa.. it comes naturally."
"Naturally my arse..So how many guys did you tricked into buying tequila?"
"Not sure. But i think most of the guys wanted me to drink only. They would buy like 5 shots and ask me to drink at least 2.Not nice to waste rightt...*hic* " *i was talking in tipsy-ness*
"Of course la.. did you look at yourself? I think i can *almost* see your breast."
"Please shaddap."

Went over to Subang for a short yam-cha session before heading home. Needed to feel a bit sober to prevent myself from tripping while i go in the house. I trip *almost* everytime i come back from clubbing or whatsoever liquor event. Can only maintain out the house but not in. I guess falling in the house isn't as bad as falling OUT of the house.

Okeh, i can't remember anything that happened on Sunday except i woke up with a really bad headache and found green tea at my bedside. o_O" Must be Momzie's work.

Skipped class because i was too tired and couldn't wake up in time as expected.
Oh what the heck. I hate Mondays anyway.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


... my blog looks cheerful and not so dead anymore.

Heh, will blog more soon.

Long story short; worked on Saturday,hungover on Sunday,skipped class on Monday.

Yerp, nothing interesting at all dot com.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Pointless Conversation

Boyfriend: You do realise you're eating double chocolate chip ice-cream right ?
Moi: Yea..
Boyfriend: ?!
Moi: What is the big deal ?
Boyfriend: Its 3 in the morning and you look like your goldfish just died and you're watching Grey's Anatomy.
Moi: Yes i know that and Grey's Anatomy is a great show. And i don't have a goldfish. -_-
Boyfriend: Please promise me.
Moi: What ?

At this point i was getting quite annoyed at his stupid reactions over me and my tub of ice-cream.

Boyfriend: That you solemnly swear that you would not hit,bite and pinch me or watsoever if you get paranoid tomorrow morning that you gain imaginary weight or something.
Moi: Don't be silly.It's just ice-cream. How much weight can i gain anyways.

We both cuddled and continued watching the show.
I woke up this afternoon, weighed myself as usual. I got paranoid.

Moi: Omg.I think i just gain some weight.
Boyfriend: Don't be stupid. You look like yesterday.
Moi: Shouldn't have ate the ice-cream last night. *pouts*
Boyfriend: Everytime. Pointless.

Yeah we have pointless crappings all the time. Thats what keep us alive.



Tuesday, May 23, 2006

When you have nothing else to do ...

you play chor tai dee at the mamak.


The boyfriend, Ming, Wai and I went to Silva to get our *daily* dosage of teh o' ais limau. (Fucking hell it seems like we cannot get through one day without it. We're like siao or something.) Watever. And then there was this other group over there playing cards and suddenly Ming had the craving to play cards.


So he and the boyfriend ran off to KK Mart which is right next to Silva's (so convenient no?) to buy cards. It seems that Ming just HAD to play cards. And they just HAD to buy the Durex one. It looks *cute* apparently. And they said its the cheapest one there. Rm2 only. What a steal.

Me: I know why its RM2 only. Actually its suppose to be some sort of souvenir or something. Lookie at the box it says "Not for sale".
Boyfriend: So? Watever. We got cards. Play.
Me: *boo hoo* *shows ugly face here* *stick out tongue* *start smacking boyfriend really hard*

So we sat in Silva's from 11.30pm till 3am playing cards.

Oh-emm-gee. I feel so lifeless.

I think we're prollie doing the same thing again tomorrow night. -_-

Shoot gtg. I've got a bad cramp alert,

Saturday, May 20, 2006


. . . . . . makes me tired. And i don't like being tired because when i am i get all grumpy-ish and angry-ish. And when i am all grumpy-ish and angry-ish poor boyfriend takes the shit from me and therefor to save him the shit i might as well stay fresh all the time.

BUT. Swimming i did. And it made me tired. So boyfriend took the shit from me and so happen i am PMS-ing at the moment. Also i have tonnes of pimples on my beautiful face and therefore i am *noT* beautiful anymore and when i am not beautiful i get angry.

And when i am angry-ish.. guess what i do ? I vent on the boyfriend.

So poor boyfriend.

So i *vowed* to never ever swim again. (It makes my har frizzy anyways)

But ..

The boyfriend and friends are going swimming again tomorrows and i have to go because boyfriend says i am getting fat-ish. And when i am fat-ish i have to exercise and therefore i am going swimming! Ish. Then i'll get all tired again. And angry. And grumpy.

O-kay this post is meant to annoy the crap outta anyone who is reading it.
And its quite pointless.

So have fun.


P/s: I also have nothing interesting to blog at the moment because i am currently life-less. 'Sides, its 6 am now. Normal people don't blog at this hour hence the stupidity.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stupid Courtroom Gaffes ever made.

I was just browsing through www.funny.com earlier recommended by a friend and decided maybe there are some really funny jokes there. Yeap it sure was funny alright so i continued reading and reading until i came across this joke titled - Courtroom Gaffes.

I thought it was kind of funny how attorneys at the courts will ever ask such stupid questions.
Well it was said that this courtroom gaffes was reported in the Massachusettes Bar Association Lawyers Journal and the following is the 22 non-sensical questions that was being asked.

"Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?"
- Okay first of all he knew that the person died-ed already and how the heck is he going to know even if it is the next morning or watsoever ? He is dead right ? No ? I know why his spirit would soon reside by him the next morning and realise he is dead.

"The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he?"
- Heh, i think he just said it. Twenty, no?

"Were you present when your picture was taken?"
- *roll eyes* No, it was my clone.

"Were you alone or by yourself?"
- And the difference is ... ?

"Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?"
- It was me. This is not me speaking but my spirit. I just came back to give my testimony in court. -_-

"Did he kill you?"
- Oh yes. This is my dead body talking.

"How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?"
- Ha ha.

"You were there until the time you left, is that true?"
- Er, duh.

"How many times have you committed suicide?"
- I think the attorney here meant to say "How many times have you TRIED committing suicide ?". Or maybe he believes in humans having more than one life hence they can commit suicide multiple times.

Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
A: Yes.
Q: And what were you doing at that time?
- Lol.

Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?
- No. The rest was gender unknown. -_-"

Q: You say the stairs went down to the basement?
A: Yes.
Q: And these stairs, did they go up also?
- Lolxxx. I don't think any stairs was actually made to only go up and not down unless of course its an escalator.

Q: Mr. Slatery, you went on a rather elaborate honeymoon, didn't you?
A: I went to Europe, Sir.
Q: And you took your new wife?
- No. I decided to take the neighbor's new wife instead. Watthefuck, of course laa you take your newlywed wife on the honeymoon. What kind of question is that ?

Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?
- *smacks forehead emo-ishly*

Q: Can you describe the individual?
A: He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q: Was this a male, or a female?
- I think the attorney here can't diffrentiate between he and she.

Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
- Hehe.

Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.
- Are there autopsies on live people by the way ??

Q: All your responses must be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
A: Oral.
- Hehe. What a prick answering this question.

Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m..
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.
- I think i would have answer it that way too.

Q: You were not shot in the fracas?
A: No, I was shot midway between the fracas and the navel.

Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
A: I have been since early childhood.

And the funniest of all ...

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?
A: It is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.

Daily laughter just for fun.

I thought it would be funny if i was in a courtroom and some attorney actually asked some similar question to these.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cat/Dog ?

I was just chatting with Lisa and Reen on MSN and i put my doggie's picture as my avatar.

And while we were going on and on about some useless topic suddenly Lisa asked ..

"Eh, who's cat is that ?"

So for a moment Reen got confused and said she doesn't have any cats or dogs for that matter.

So i was thinking since when does anyone one of us got a picture of a cat as our avatar. And then i came to realise that Lisa was talking about my doggie.


Meet Twixtie, my confused cat/dog.

No Lisa i don't hate you but i'm sure my doggie does :p

Wonder if it meows.


Owh she said that my msn avatar is so small that it looks like a cat. Luckily she didn't say it looked like a cow.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Oh, the joy of ice-cream

Marc decided to be generous and brought me to Swensens for ice-cream on Thursday. Apparently he was suppose to bring me there ages ago. As in like A-G-E-S ! -_-" He had no car so Ben had to go also.
And it was jolly good. Just the three of us hanging out after so bloody long.

At first we went to the one in SubangParade only to find it close for renovation or something. I got super pissed because we were driving round and round the carpark for at least 30 minutes before finding a parking. And not to mention it was pouring and i got wet. My poor hair was in a mess later and i whined like some mad woman.

I dunno why everyone had to go to Parade on such a rainy day. There's nothing to shop there at all also. And it was like 3pm - the time where you will not have your lunch or your dinner. Geez, guess we're just in some really bad luck. Whatever.

While we were in the car i actually asked Ben if he wanted to park at the lot for disable people. (No i'm not scrutinising anyone here, just poking some fun around.)

"Eh, why don't you just like park there?"
"Its for the disabled."
"Yeah.. and?"
"HaHA.. you're mentally disabled whattt...."
"@%^@&!%!%@, why must you talk liddat?" *in his stupid-fake-indian accent*


I'm such a meanie. And no, Ben is cheena no indian. *hehe*
And there's this funny picture i wanna post up here.
Guess who tried being stupid in Parade's lift ?

Three guesses who.

Anyway later on we decided no matter what we still wanted to get Swensen's. (O-kay la.. actually moi wanted to get Swensen's real bad.) So we went to the one in SS2.

And we lived happily ever after.


I forgot what everybody had and i was so determined to take a picture of the ice-cream once its served so everyone can see how lovely it was ...

but then i forgot all about it when it came.


So i had to take whats left of it.

Which is nothing. -__-"

From left-right: Moi's,Marc's and Ben's.

Can't wait for Monday for SS2's pasar malam to eat the laksa there. The queue itself is fucking long. can't wait can't wait can't wait.whines whines whines.

Can hear my stomach having a live concert now man ...


Happie Mom's Day

Dear Mom,

You've been there through hard times,sweet times,embarassing times in short through thick and thin. It's nice to have you around but sometimes i feel like you care too much. Not in a bad way but in a loving-too-protective way. Whenever i ask for advice you'd tell me the worst situation i could have be in and then only you'll let me out on the easy way. You taught me most about life and love. You taught me how to stand tall after i fall.

You told me that life isn't as easy as it looks and you never pressured me on anything. You never asked me to be wonderful in my studies but you said all i needed to do was to try my best in everything and thats enough. Everything you asked from me was so simple and yet i know there are times i would still make you mad.

Mom, I am your daughter. I think it says in my job description that as a daughter i shall annoy the hell out of you. :p

I know i may not be the perfect daughter but all i know is that i am perfect in loving you. You will always be my best friend, my listener, and the best mom i could ever wish for.

I will always appreciate things you done for me. Like buying me stuff you know that i really want, letting me do the things i want to do without restricting me at all as long as i know my limits, granting me good education and securing my life in every possible way.

And yes, you also told me that if any guy would ever try to break your little girl's heart you will make sure that you rip their balls into pieces. *she literally said that* -_-

That's how much my mom loves me. Priceless, countless and inevitably real.

Mom, i know i don't say this often as i should but i really want you to know that i love you so so much.

And i really don't know what to do if you're not here by my side.

Heck you don't even ask me to do any house chores.

Mom, you're the greatest, d'yah know that ?


Love you always and forever.

Your daughter.,

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Tell me who would ever want to hump a corpse ? Or how does one actually get caught for humping a corpse ?

So me and Id (Reen's other half) was chatting online a while ago and he wanted to tell me about the law. *hmmpft*

"So let me tell you about the law okays?"
"Owh, sure thing. Anything interesting?"
"Yesh. According to the law you can't have sex with a corpse."
"Wat the heck.. Who would wanna hump a corpse by the way?"
"I dunno. But you better becareful and tell that to Jason too."
"So what is the punishment if you do hump a corpse?"
"I dunno according to s70 bla bla bla bla.."
"Ohh.. but that is rare okeh. I don't think anyone would actually want to hump a corpse."
"Yeah but when it does happen then you'll have a law to protect it."
"Oh..hahaahaha..weird." -_-"
"Like you know lets just say lar if you were a guy and Angeline Jolie or something were about to die in your arms and you got horny.."

Awkward silence.

"So what other things you can't hump?"
"Erm.. animals unless you are in certain part of America where animal humping is lawful."
"So can you hump a lamp post or a chair or anything else? Would you get charged?"
"I mean if you can't hump corpses what bout other stuff right?"
"No. I mean you'll get bruise okay if you DO hump a lamp post. You're sick btw."

Really? I reckon some dogs do it and they're fine but of course they're different from humans right ? *laughs out loud*

So i did some research just to be sure and yeap.. Arnie Schwarzenegger did outlaw sex with corpses.

-_-" *swt*

Click on the link to read furthermore.


Damn Value

I bought 4 pair of earrings from Pyramid for only RM10 because it was damn value. I think i stood there for about half an hour trying to pick which earrings should i buy. There was like a whole display of like zillions different types of earrings. Square ones, circle ones, long ones, short ones well the list never ends. It was so pwetty i just had to buy them. IT'S ONLY RM 10.

And the boyfriend helped me pick one out of the four too! So helpful la yea.. -_-
*sticks out tongue*

While i was gleefully picking my earrings, the boyfriend got fed up and went to get a drink instead. So i was left happily picking it on my own. He then came back and got a little annoyed.

"You're still not done yet are you?"
"Come let me help. You seem like you're lost in that sea of earrings."
"Eh. You *can* help."
" ..... "
"By standing right next to me and see whether the earrings i pick suitable or not." *big smiles*
"I am so not doing that. What is the difference anyways?"
"Okeh. Fine. Wait then."

Met Lisa while picking the earrings and i told her how value it was. She agreed and asked me to buy a whole tonne for Reen for her birthday. *tee hee* I am so sure that Reen already got tonnes of earrings at home besides i don't think that earrings are the best birthday pressie for a best friend.

So value right ? *tee hee*

The boyfriend picked this one for me. He thinks its the nicest among all.

Later on we met up with Wai, Augustine and Jeremy and had a drink in Klang near Tesco or something. Had cheese naan and its like the most disgusting naan i ever had. Steven Corner's naan is still the best. *bwah*

I had the urge to ask everyone what did they think about the earring. So i started with Wai.

"Hows my earrings? Aren't they cute?"
"Okeh lor. Like any other normal earrings."
"Heh. Quite pointless talking to you. You're suppose to say its cute or watever.He(referring to the boyfriend) picked it okeh."
"Owh really.."

And then Wai turns and talks to the boyfriend instead.
"So you helped her pick the earrings ar? I heard she's been telling me its 4 pair for RM10 only."
"Yeah...And that also she took 30 mins"
"Why so stupid wait for her?"
"Then? Walk away. I didn't had an option."
*sad emo face here*
"Actually i had.."
My face lit up when he said that.
"One;to pick it FOR her,Two;to pick it myself and Three;to pick it WITH her"

He then looked at me and say .. "No laa darling.. You know i waited cuz i love you right?"


Actually i just bought the earrings cause it was damn value only.
I have an allergy towards all these acessories unless its real silver,white gold,gold or platinum.
No i am not going to chuck it into a box or whatever. I am going to wear it. It's going to itch but i'll wear it anyways :p

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Choco Overdose

I had eaten three sorts of Toblerone in one day.

White choc,dark choc and milk choc.

Too much sugar in my bloood. I'm going crazy and i'm like over hyper now.

That explains the title.

And they said that chocolates heal everything.

My big fucking arse.

I guess tomorrow would be sushi overdose. Boyfriend promised me to sushi for dinner.

*grins gleefully*

I better go sleep and be a good gal now.
Or else no sex sushi for me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Am i a bad friend ?

A certain someone that i got to know online has been going through some emotional outbreak or maybe mid-life crisis or whatever. All i know is that he has been going through some rough times. But who is there to judge his life right ? To tell him what is wrong or what is right. To let him know that this wall he is building around him is too strong to be tear down if he doesn't bother to try at all. His life isn't all that bad. He lives and studies abroad but he said that his parents or whosoever looks down on him. In my opinion, so what ? Just a couple of fucking lame insults gets you down just like that ? What are you some kind of person that just don't have that kind of strength to live life as it is ? Why don't you have that kind of strength ? When did you realise that ? How old are you ? 90 ? Come on you're 21. (Even if i got that wrong doesn't matter because i know you're only in your 20's)

I know there are times where you felt that you had no *real* friends. I guess at one point in life everyone goes through that kinda phase. Its just a fucking phase. You'll get by eventually. You want everything in life to be yours truly but seriously does life always gives you what you ? No. And eventually everyone lives.

Think and live with it. Stop living in your delusional state or pretending that you're pitiful because in my opinion you're not pitiful. At all. You're just plain saddistic.

Lastly, i am sorry because i *sorta* scream at you (i dunno how that works since we only talked online) and told you that all you needed is some hope. And yeah thanks for telling me that there is no hope only false hopes. And also by telling me that if you died tomorrow i wouldn't know or care because i'm only your virtual friend. Yeah i am ONLY you're virtual friend but you know what ? I am glad that its this way because if i was not your virtual friend i'd give you one tight slap across your face to let you come back to reality.

Yeah, crude and such a bitch right ? Whatever i don't care at all. It's not like you'd listened to me anyways.
Sometimes i think you just have to be bad to be good.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


A little bit of what ?

*grins cheesily*

No, nothing like that.
I am just talking about a lil of counter-strike every night does a little good to the soul. Seriously. I guess people these days just don't play that anymore eh because the new thing is DoTa. It's like everywhere i go i see people either dota-ing or playing RAN online (some chinese game, i think). But i like CS cuz you actually don't really need much brain power to just fire at someone.

Heh, i suck at strategy game.
I remember there was this one time when i played Dota with the boyfriend,Ming and Wai and it wasn't pretty. I screamed like i was some psychopath and was like egging on my boyfriend annoyingly. Of course being the patient boyfriend he is he just tell me what the fuck to do.

And i still didn't get it. I was like SO stupid. Literally. I was like asking stupid question all the time throughout the game and i even walked into the enemy's base NOT realising that i was gonna die. Some of the stupid thing i said while i was playing.

*doing doing doing* walks merrily into base and seeing the enemy NOT realising it WAS the enemy and said out loud ..
"Who is this ? How do i kill it? Is this you baby?"
"No. Its Wai."
*dies emo-ish-ly*
"Oh. So i died?"

Boyfriend roll eyes at this point and started to laugh out loud.
Omfgwtfbbq. Damn not funny o-kay.

See, so stupid can die right? So don't even ask me to play Dota or else i might just ask you to go hump a donkey or something. I get VERY VERY offended. It makes me feel stupider than i already am.

And the next is i can't fucking control my character that well.
No actually i can't control it at all. There was this one time i remembered that my boyfriend got so emo he tried to refrain himself from slapping my head.

"Eh, why does my fucking character keep going and killing all those tree thingy by itself ar? Nothing better to do is it?"
*Boyfriend super emo here*
"And the thing is i can't like control this thing you know. I am not even pressing anything and it just go and rush over the damn branch thingy like its never seen a tree or something before. Whacko laa ... "
*Boyfriend super emo can die here after i said that*
"And ah, how am i suppose to like make it stay put? Why yours so keng ar?"
"Cause you're stupid."
"What?!!??! Eh, i am not stupid la okay. I just dunno how to navigate this thing."
"Yah. Stupid la."
I gave him THE pout here.

At this point i started to kill my boyfriend in the game and i turned into a goat.
WOW. Like so fascinating right?
You kill your team mate and you turn into a goat. Geez.
And this is only Dota. Imagine if i play other games. Maybe i can just turn into like a pig and start humping the tree or something.

I think for now i better stick to games like Sims and CS. The safe ones.
I managed to kick Wai's arse today at CS and it sure felt good because while we were taking a ciggie break he was complaining as hell.

"Wah. Damn keng ar you. Know how to kill people already."


I like to be modest sometimes too you know. Not everyday deserves some loving from moi.

Don't be rude

Somebody got a little offended last night while we were having a war on the net. Hypothetically speaking only. Not some serious bitch fight or anything whatsoever.

It started with only a very general and innocent question from moi.

"Are you are virgin? Shit this is not a private chatroom is it?"
"Stupid. You just don't ask something like that laa.."
" . . . . . but .. but.."
"So disrescpectful."
"So are you a virgin?"

*emo emo emo*

"Yes i am. "
"Yes and you don't drink too?"
"Yup and don't forget i don't smoke."
"Oh. Rightttt."

Okay this post is not directed to offend that someone. I *knoW* you read my blog o-kay. Son don't get emo okay ? I just thought it was funny.

Me lub you.

Oh by the way, you do drink and smoke you just don't realise that :p

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I followed the plan

I actually took my time when the boyfriend reached my house today to pick me up for lunch. My dad had to call me to wake me up and tell me that the boyfriend is banging on the front door. My dad was on the way out or else he'll be super nice to open the door. And thus i have to wake from my slumber and open the damn door for the boyfriend. He came in and literally shooked me up and down to wake me up but i could barely make it so i slept on the couch in the hall while he went online.

I'm such a brat and only he can stand me. He actually waited for a whole hour before i regain consciousness. I swear all i wanted to do was just pull him in bed and snore away. But of course being a fantalizing girlfriend i went to take my shower instead. That took another half hour. So much patience. I likey.

Went over to his house and watch a couple of DVDs to kill off time before dinner. His mom cooked the most fantabulous meals ever. Went to pick Wai and Ming after that to pick up the fucker Augustine at Ikano where he works. We do this every weds and sats because he hasn't got a car yet.

Went to have a drink and met up with Nicholas and Gurdeep. After a bit everyone was talking about games and then we decided to head on for a few rounds of counter-strikes at the cafe. Was really exciting though since i haven't been gaming for a shit long time.

It was just a plain Monday night out with nothing better to do.
Gosh i need a life before i totally lose it.

Grr... and amazingly i wished i had classes more often so that my brains won't actually literally rust over the week. Nothings in my head at the moment.

Oh shit. Just remembered also that i have to go for a job interview for an event this wed. Good grief, i nearly forgot.

Guess i better head to slumberland now before i look like some silly panda on wed.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I am bloated.

Seriously bloated i can so die.
Went to eat steamboat with the boyfriend,Gus,Wai and Ming. I think its the most i've ever eaten in my whole entire life. I swear i couldn't move after eating. The boyfriend said i look like a silly penguin trying to walk about. Great. First i'm a hyppo and then i'm a weird ass looking penguin. Penguins are cute anyways.

Wanted to take some piccies of the food but being the forgetful moi i forgot to bring my camera. So no piccies. Good anyhows i wouldn't wanna end up looking like some big slob eating some big ass octopus.

Anyways too bloated to blog about anything now. It's Labour Day tomorrow and prollie half of the population at Subang will go shopping and i doubt i'm going to like the idea of being sandwiched at the mall. So planned to stay home all the day with the boyfriend and watch DVDs. Yea, lame i know.

Okay i'm going to munch on my grapes now. It seemed to magically popped up on the table. Or maybe i've just forgotten i just went to the fridge one minute ago to check out whats there to eat.
Shit. Is that normal ?

Anyways hopefully Lisa don't tumble off Genting. She just went there to get drunk again. Boo-hoo.