M i s s b o o h a z e l*

*Sinful Indulgences of Her Soul.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Saturday,Sunday and Monday.

The Whats ?

Went swimming (again!!) with the boyfriend,Ming and Wai. Got a phone call from Melanie asking me to go to Thai Club to replace her for her job for Tequila. Gosh it was so the last minute and the pay was okeh-lahh.. A few hours for Rm200. So i decided to take some time off to go and party work, i mean. The crowd there was so-so only since everyone was prollie at the Chivas Space party in Genting. Was suppose to work there too but i heard the outfit was kind of ridiculous. Met Joyce there and both of us partied our arse off instead of promoting Tequila. -_-Most of the party people there who *wanted* to buy tequila from us only wants to buy it *for* us anyways. Its Rm10 a shot, not cheap i would say but since they wanted to buy us anyway so what the heck. Drink only laa. Don't waste right ? :p

At the end of the night i think i prollie drank 20 shots of tequila and thank god i maintain because if not i'll prollie pass out somewhere. Celina said no smoking during work but she lit us a stick everytime we sit at the VIP area during breaks. -_-" Damn contradict everything but it was all good. I can't imagine myself drinking and not smoking. It would have been like drinking stale beer or sloshy whisky.

Finished work at prollie about 3am or so and the boyfriend was already there waiting.

"Heh, working or partying."
"Same laa.. it comes naturally."
"Naturally my arse..So how many guys did you tricked into buying tequila?"
"Not sure. But i think most of the guys wanted me to drink only. They would buy like 5 shots and ask me to drink at least 2.Not nice to waste rightt...*hic* " *i was talking in tipsy-ness*
"Of course la.. did you look at yourself? I think i can *almost* see your breast."
"Please shaddap."

Went over to Subang for a short yam-cha session before heading home. Needed to feel a bit sober to prevent myself from tripping while i go in the house. I trip *almost* everytime i come back from clubbing or whatsoever liquor event. Can only maintain out the house but not in. I guess falling in the house isn't as bad as falling OUT of the house.

Okeh, i can't remember anything that happened on Sunday except i woke up with a really bad headache and found green tea at my bedside. o_O" Must be Momzie's work.

Skipped class because i was too tired and couldn't wake up in time as expected.
Oh what the heck. I hate Mondays anyway.


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