Went to meet
Celina in Bandar D'sara today with the boyfriend. Hung out for a bit in Starbucks and then proceeded to MidValley to meet Andy and Choy.
Celina and I wanted to go shoe shopping and left the boys alone to play. I wanted to buy this pair of shoes that i saw in Vincci just like i dunno 3 days ago ? And now its *gone*
Sob Sob.
No new shoes for me to party in and slut with the boyfriend.
*bigfuckingsigh*Oh yeah interesting enough whilst i was partying in Thai Club yesternight i got spiked bya certain fuckhead that offered me to drink. Ok fine i can tolerate stupid people that want to so call have my number and everything because i can just give them a go-hump-a-donkey-look and they'll eventually get the picture but what i cannot tolerate is stupid people *forcing* me to drink or else you will get super angry and throw a glass at me. So fine i thought to myself just a drink only what. So i downed a glass of chivas and joined Celina shortly at the bar. I sat down for a bit and realised that something was really really wrong because i feel whoozy and my head was spinning like i was in a whirlpool or something. I knew something wasn't right. Like damnit. You get this feeling where you know you are sober but then you also know that something isn't right. I told Celina that i was sober and she said that i look fucking sober. So yea confirm i was drugged or something. The boyfriend then temaned me to sit in Cabana lobby for a bit and i was still feeling not so okay. There was even a time where i wanted to go to the bathroom and puke my stomach out because i was so goddamn pening. And the moment i did that the music all drowned out and i could hear nothing but i was still sober. I felt super pathetic. Celina told me she tried to find the guy that spiked my drink but to no avail because i think the guy ran off or something.
Went to Poppy with the boyfriend right after to meet up with
Choy and
Mukri to party somemore. The boyfriend was partying half way there and i ended up sleeping on the couch. Haha.
And this morning i woke up with a banging head and a major hangover.But at about 3pm i was okay and went straight out to the boyfriend's place to have dinner with parents.
Boyfriend also gave me a long lecture and bla bla bla about stupid people. Yes i already know that.
*laffs*And next week we're going to club again. So tak tahu sedar. Bwahaha.
Oh yeah whats with the entry title ?
Went to watch
Stay Alive with boyfriend,Celina,Andy and Choy.
And i only have one comment which is Staying Alive my arse.
Oh not only that,all the movies had been a big bummer.
Superman was really really boring not to mention stupid.
My day just cannot get any better.
Yes i am still emo-ing over Brazil's lost to France.