M i s s b o o h a z e l*

*Sinful Indulgences of Her Soul.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It has been some really long hectic week lah.

That's why i didn't blog for such a long long time.

And also the fact that i was kinda brain dead and lazy and had to meet up with lotsa people lah.

Remember i don't have all the time in the world to multi task anymore.. :p

Anyways these few days had been hanging out and working with Vivian and Celina. Been tani-ing for dunno god knows how many days. I really need time to recuperate again before i die of liver failure or something.

*hmmphhhs* I really have to stop all these jinxing before it becomes real. *splutter "choi choi choiiii .. "*

So Adrian the stupid dogg bro is back from Aussie for good this time instead of the usual popping outta no where and saying "Hiiii I AM BACKKK" . -_- Oh and yeah i have to suppress my konon-nya surprise because he told me he'd be back in November but instead i just saw him last two weeks in Silva and i was like .. "Shit, isn't that Adrian ? Ehhhhh, yeah it is HIM." Wat the fuck is he doing here ? Like he doesn't belong here or something .. Haha :p Anyhows i went over to his table and give him my surprise look.

"What you doing here lah, thought you coming back in Nov?!"
"Been back like a few days already lahh."
"Stupid. Didn't tell wan.."
"I called you lahhhh.."
"Where gotttt ? Dun have."
"Eh you lost weight. The last time i came back you were chubbier."

-_- Wah, have to put it that way so that i don't blar him kau kau.

Hahahahaha.. Kidding lah.

Anyway since you're back for good i guess we'll catch up like some day later on lah since you've prollie got like a zillion people you have to meet before its my turn. *bwahahaha*

These few days nothing interesting really happened. Been so god damn busy with work and stuff and also have to read up for uni soon before i fail every single exam. Sighsss.

Oh yah before i forget anyone who knows anyone that works in Digi pleaseee tell them to go jump off a cliff. I am not saying this because i hate Digi as i am one of its user as well but then ahhh their customer service is so god damn bad okie. I just changed my number to line because it would be much cheaper this way seeing that i only call most of Digi numbers and also keep reloading every single blardy day is just gonna bankrupt me so might as well lah. Anyways i registered my line on last Monday as in the week before Raya and till now they still haven't kau-tim everything. I paid already and also went to their HQ office in Subang Hi-Tech TWICE to sign a whole lotta shits and yes i do have credit in my phone because they said i MUST have credit only they can transfer the freaking line. Okie fine i did everything and waited patiently as the guy informed us that it takes at least 2 days to confirm and approve everything. Ok fine wait lah wat to do right ?? And then the bf called after 3 days to ask whether there was anything wrong because we still haven't got our lines yet then they said have to wait another day. So fine, i was already getting kinda pissed off because i need to make important calls and i didn't wanna reload anymore seeing whats the point of it since i am gonna be paying the bills at the end of the month. So we waited for another 1 day and then we called again to confirm and they told us it would be done by at least Friday or Saturday. And you know what .. who the fuck works on Deepavali lah so confirm cannot be done so waited at least Monday lah right. And then its Raya already so nobody working again i guess. I am so fucken pissed now you cannot imagine okay. I know its cos of the festive season and everything but stop making promises that it will be done soon , its not like we didn't understand that its Raya and everything but its just so dissapointing that i have to be so frustrated over this. Sighhh. Digi provides great rewards and stuff but then i guess they'll just have to improve more on this point of letting people wait so blardy long. And no i can't change my line to Maxis cos most of my long lost friends knows this number. One more day lah. I'm giving them till like tomorrow before i call and fuck them upside down, verbally.

Oh and on another note Momzie is now in China and i didn't get to go with her cos no flight tickets anymore. She booked much earlier and when i wanna go also cannot. -_-
Anyway, she's shopping her life savings away there .. Hahahha. She already bought three pairs of shoes for my brother. Wonder what she'll bring back for me. *hrmm*

And yes i still haven't put up pics of Bkt Tinggi. I don't have time to do anything at all so i guess editing pictures would be one of them. Haha.

I don't even have time to go to the rave on the 28th. So anyone who is going please tell me how issit like after you come back. Please don't say you enjoyed it so much till you did not want to leave because i would be uber jeles. Hahaha.

I will be leaving to Malacca in December for another trip. I seem to be taking too many vacations lately. -_-"

Hope you realise you're growing older and fatter. HAHAHHHA. Have a great one in US okie and happy blessed birthday once again.

Okie gotta run got lotsa things to do.

*runs off to cuddle with the boyfriend.*

p/s: Reen Darling, Happy Raya and stop moping ok? I love you lotss. I know what you're going through and know that i'll always be there for you k ? Muahs.

End, finally.



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