M i s s b o o h a z e l*

*Sinful Indulgences of Her Soul.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME ~

The boyfriend took my family and i(duh!) our for dinner at TGIF in SubangParade today.
Momzie and Daddykinz had the 3 course dish while brother had the big arse Friday's burger. I of course had the yummylicious fettuccine which i did not finish. The boyfriend had grilled salmon.

Also the boyfriend had already planned earlier with the staffs in TGIF to embarass me in front of everyone.. well no laa actually just to sing me the birthday song - IN FRONT OF EVERYONE.
There was a very awkward moment because they made me give a speech by using the pepper shaker. I didn't know what to say so i mumbled and mumbled and finally said THANKEEEWW.

And then they started to sing me the song. Before singing TGIF guy asked me what version of the song would i like.. obviously i was conned.

TGIF guy: So would you like the front version the boring one of course or the backward version of the happy birthday ?
Me: The backwards!!

I obviously thought that they were going to sing it in backwards which would be amusing but damn char tou because they turned their backs towards me and face the other crowd in the restaurant and started to sing happy birthday really loud. And theres my backwards birthday song. I was yeah .. really amused.

-_-" Stone.

And there was my first surprise. *tee hee*

My second surprise happened in the carpark. Basically Momzie spoiled the whole lot apparently.
Jason wanted to give me a big bouquet of flowers at sharp 12am but then Momzie had to tumpang baby's car to go back home with brother so then he had to move the flowers from the backseat and he just gave it to me. I was soooo happy i could have cried. None of my ex-bfs actually done that before. Well gave me flowers that is. Momzie told him that he couldn't have been more corny. *grins*

Its o-keh i likey corny. Corny makes me smile.

Later on Napoleon and Jack decided to pay us a visit while we were chilling at my home watching Taxi. -_-" I know.. damn tak ada better things to do. Well they took us to Hartamas Spicy and we yum-chared there for a bit. I was pretty tired from all the surprises.

And then i had another surprise. Baby wished me happy birthday and took out a little box containing my pressie. Its a diamond ringgg.. my really first one ever from a boyfriend. I love it so so much. *tee hee*

Apparently i actually felt it in his pockets before that but then he said i was too bodoh to realise there was a box bulging out. -_-
He also called me bodoh for not realising i was sitting right in front of my flowers. Grr..

Tak layan betul call me stoopid on my birthday.
All in all i had a wonderful birthday thanks to the boyfriend !!

Pics up in a bit. :)
Smilesss for me.

Tomorrow Marc and Ben taking me out to Swensens.

Love = )



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