M i s s b o o h a z e l*

*Sinful Indulgences of Her Soul.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

happie burfday lis biatch :p

Although we've only knew each other for 3 years now but it seems to me as though we've known each other since forever.

You would call me the crazee one and i'd call you the even more crazieeer one cos' darling you know you are crazier ok. Don't try to deny cos i know you better than anyone :p

She 'claims' she's a damn effing goodie girl whilst holding up her Marlboro Lights in one hand patting her long luscious lashes at me.

She also bull about how she does not drink but the minute we sit down at a bar she orders a vodka lime or sometimes just vodka or anything with vodka. I swear she loves vodka more than anything.

She drinks more than me like some alcoholic nut and make it a point to show that moi drinks more than her.

She stood by me thru times of sadness and grief and thru and thru again she proves to me she's loyal to the core.

We have tiffs and bitching times but nevertheless we'd always make up and prove to each other that we're just us deep down inside and no matter how much we put up to fight cos each of us got some manic ego problem lah, we'd end up crying in each other's arms like small little girls.

We've put through each bits and pieces in life forming a bond we know that we will not ever break by petty things.

We know we'll always be bestest friends till the end and 20 years from know we'd prollie be old, wrinkly a little and married and have the best careers we'd always wanted. HAHA, actually we conspiredto open a nude bar . . . kidding ! :p We know that deep down inside we'd still be sitting at some dingy cafe or mamak or watever lah sipping on coffee or maybe wine and still be bitching about everything that happened.

Thank you for always being a friend and know that i'd always have your back like you have mine. Love you loads biatch and happy birthday lah :p

Have a good one k !

With love from moi.

cheers xoxo


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