M i s s b o o h a z e l*

*Sinful Indulgences of Her Soul.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Reasons why i hate the bus and how i wish i really have a car.

It didn't occur to me that now my freaking law school is in town i have to take the bus. And the bloody bus in Malaysia is not like how it is in Singapore or the States or Ozzy or anywhere else in the world. It so sucks to be me. I remember there are many few times that i can't stand waiting at the bus stand for so fucking long that instead i took a cab. It cost me at least more than ten freaking bucks to get to law school. Talk about overpriced taxi rates. And the thing is most of the taxi rates are different because of the bloody meter. Some goes extremely fast and before like 2 minutes its already at 5 freaking bucks. Even the meters which i considered *normal* would cost me at the least of 15 bucks and by the end of the month i would probably be able to actually buy a freaking Guess? bag with all that money spent on cabs. So it leave me no choice to take the bus. And its not nice to keep asking the boyfriend if he is free to pick me to college like he is my bloody driver or something. Unless of course he volunteers or insist.

So why do i hate the bus ? Its like asking me to recite ABCs. I have at least a million reason why i hate the bus so i guess i'll just blog about a few that comes across my mind.

1. Imagine having to wait for a freaking bus for at least 20 minutes before it comes under hot hot sun and your eye-liner is running all over your face from the heat. Tell me do you really want to wait after all the mess it had done to the face ? For me, i would really like to say no but i don't have a choice.
*taking the LRT or KTM practically takes forever to reach college so why bother. I don't have all the time in the world.

2. The bus that i take likes to ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS take a break in front of Sunway Pyramid's bus stop because the bus driver felt like it. That means i have to wait in the bus with my face melting. Not like i douse a whole lot of make-up or anything but still the bus doesn't exactly have the best smell or air-con in the world.

3. The radio keeps on playing some weird arse malaye rock crap. I don't take the same bus everytime but i hear almost the same shit everytime when i do. I think that the law or something prollie impose some kinda by-law on public buses that they must so however irritate passengers to the very max and make them feel nauseas or puke blood. *roll eyes*

4. Theres all sort of weird people on the bus that you'll meet. I once met this really weird guy at the bus stop which tells me in mandarin that he tries to catch me everytime i am at the bus stop and claims that he is a friendly person and would like to get to know me. Like come on. Don't have anything better to do but to pick up chicks at the bus stop is it? *roll eyes* And then there was this other guy that tried to hit on me by using some cheesy line.

"Hi i think you're real cute and maybe you would like to go out for a drink sometime?"
"Excuse me?"
"So your shirt says you're single and is that true?"

*roll eyes here*

"It says *Almost Single* not single and i don't want to go out for a drink with you. Thank you."
"But why?"

*faints emo-ishly*

At this point i walked away but i really wished i had told him ..
"Because get a stupid life and have you actually looked in the mirror lately? If you haven't please do and think carefully before you pluck up anymore stupid courage to ask girls out when you don't know who they are in the first place and oh yea, the bus isn't like the best place to actually pick chicks up."

5. Also i can't stand people that actually like think that the music from their handphones are like the best music on earth to play in the bus. Yeah, i know its better than the malay shitty rock and its Linkin Park or Nickelback or whatsoever but when you're listening to another zillion of another noise in the bus you'll probably get so irritated and want to just smack the shit out of that person who is playing their mp3 from their handphones ever so loudly because they think that they just made the bus feel much better. No, it is not helping and no it never will. It doesn't matter also if your phone is like w800i or n70 or n90. It is just plain annoying.

6. I also hate the fact that the interior of the bus isn't at all nice and the seats are like falling apart and also there are like screws at the edge of where your arm is suppose to be. But of course they don't really care as long as the bus doesn't breakdown or anything it is perfectly fine. *roll eyes* Like seriously try getting on any Metrobus on the road(not the new ones) and try to like the fact that you're in it. I swear when i get on the grounds of where i was suppose to be i couldn't be more glad eventhough i have to walk in my heels. I am seriously glad that i am off the freaking bus.

7. The aircon actually i cannot even consider it as aircon it is more like hot aircon. Ever been into a sauna? Yeah, it feels like that and sometimes you might even feel like your in a tin of sardines or even being cooked in an oven. Try it, its really fun. Maybe can even lose weight or something through all the stuffy-ness. Talk about stuffy-ness i don't even know where to begin.

8. And my most personal reason is - i can't smoke in the bus. Sigh.

9. It smells totally horrible like you're in a fish market or something. Wait, actually its much worse than that but of course i won't digress too much into that. In short it just smells bad.

I have loads of other reasons but i am already too tired of typing a whole long list of whys.
So i might as well just leave it at it is. I am sure one reason is enough for me to hate the bus so why bother anyhows.




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